School-Parent Compact
The Academy at Palumbo’s School-Parent Compact for the 2023-2024 academic year outlines a collaborative framework between parents, students, and staff aimed at boosting student achievement. The compact was developed through collective input, focusing on home learning strategies, necessary parental support, and student feedback on learning enhancements. Key academic goals include having a high percentage of students on track for graduation, feeling a sense of belonging at school, and achieving proficiency in key subjects like Algebra, Biology, and Literature by 11th grade.
The compact delineates specific responsibilities for the school, parents, and students. The school commits to providing high-quality curriculum and instruction, regular updates on student progress, and opportunities for parent and student involvement in school activities. Parents are expected to support their children’s education by ensuring attendance, supporting school policies, and engaging in regular communication with teachers. Students are responsible for daily homework, regular attendance, and active participation in their educational and post-graduation planning. The compact emphasizes the importance of communication and partnership through various school activities and meetings to enhance the educational experience.
Please download our letters here