

  • Send my child to school healthy, well nourished, clean and prepared to learn.
  • See that my child is punctual and attends school every day.
  • Support the school’s discipline policy.
  • See that my child wears appropriate clothing as outlined in the school uniform policy (Dress Code).
  • Check homework on a daily basis.
  • Encourage my child’s learning efforts and answer his/her questions.
  • Discuss (in person, by telephone, or through email) my child’s progress with each teacher, at least once each report card period.
  • I will share responsibility for the behavior of my child in school and understand that unacceptable behavior (as determined by teachers and other staff members) will result in consequences as set forth in specific class syllabi and the school and School District of Philadelphia’s Code of Student Code of Conduct.
  • I recognize that my child’s selection to the Academy at Palumbo requires my commitment to support the faculty, staff and volunteers as they strive to assist my child to be a productive and cooperative member of the school community.
  • I will ensure that my child is aware of the rules and policies contained in the Student Code of Conduct.