- Parent Guide
- Information for Parents or Guardians
- Electronic Devices Parent Letter
- Keystone/PSSA Test Features and Accommodations, 2023-2024
The School District of Philadelphia
Academy at Palumbo High School
1100 Catharine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
T- 215-400-8130 ∙ F-215-400-8131
Ms. Kiana L. Thompson, Principal
Griffin Pride: Nothing Less than Success!
December 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians:
When the students return from Winter Break the district schools will be administering re-takes for the Keystone Algebra, Biology, and Literature tests. The schedule, and the students who will be taking the tests are as follows:
- Biology (1/7and 1/8): 10th graders who did not pass the Spring 2024 administration, 10th and 11th graders who took biology before this year, but did not test, 11th graders who did not pass previously, but would like to take it again.
- Literature (1/9 and 1/10): 11th graders who did not pass the Spring 2024 administration OR did not take it in the spring.
- Algebra (1/13 and 1/14): 10th graders who did not pass the Spring 2024 administration, 11th graders who did not pass in previous re-take opportunities, 10th and 11th graders who have not yet taken the test.
If a student is scheduled to take a test they should report for BOTH testing days.
Please have your student check with their advisor this week to see if they are scheduled to test. If they are scheduled to test, then your student should check with their advisor when they return from break on January 6 to find out their testing room(s). The lists are also posted to Google Classroom.
The PA Dept of Ed does not allow ANY electronic devices (phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, etc) to be on a student when they are testing, and they no longer distinguish between possession and use of an electronic device.
- If a student is found with an electronic device, the state is requiring us to confiscate the device, and have the parent/guardian come to the school so that we can review the contents of the phone in their presence. The findings will be reported to the SDP Office of Assessment, and if necessary the PA Dept of Ed. If it is determined that test questions have been compromised, the PA Dept of Ed will assess a fine for the violation to cover the cost of writing and replacing the compromised questions.
- In addition, regardless of the outcome of the review, a “Do Not Score” label will be applied to his/her answer booklet and the student will have to start over in a new test booklet.
- The student in question will also serve a one-day suspension, and may have other consequences assessed, depending on the severity of the violation.
In order to support these state requirements we encourage students to leave any unnecessary electronic devices at home. All other electronic devices will be placed in their school bag, and the school bag will be placed in a central location in the testing room for the duration of the testing session.
The bell schedule for all testing days is on the next page. Students who are testing are to report to school at 8:00 am. Attendance is important during testing. We have a very limited window of time for make-up testing. Students who are not testing are to report to school at 10:55 am. Please adhere to the schedule, and do not send your student to school before the scheduled time. If you have any questions, please call 215-400-8130.
Bell Schedule for testing days
8:00 All students taking a test arrive to school
8:00 – 11:00 Keystone test administration
10:55 – 11:10 Students not taking a test arrive to school (report to auditorium)
1st-11:14 – 11:39
2nd-11:42 – 12:07
3rd-12:10 – 12:35
4th-12:38 – 1:03
5th-1:06 – 1:31
6th-1:34 – 1:59
7th-2:02 – 2:27
Advisory-2:30 – 3:04